Aghhh Chet. Every time I hear a Chet Baker song my heart breaks a little. He had such a smooth, soothing, emotive and beautiful voice. I can never play Chet Baker if i'm feeling even the slightest bit down because I will cry, he's the only person whose voice can bring me to tears. It is all the more compounded by the fact he was so handsome and so, so troubled. When I listen to him I want to crawl down the sound waves, back into time and give him a hug. I want to look after him and make him cups of tea. Hell i'd even learn to cook for him.. Hmmmmmmmm.....Ok so in the end he did turn into a scraggly haired, bandanna wearing, fringe suede cowboy coat fancying, picket fence toothed mess but we won't hold that against him..
Datability factor (when he was younger) :100/10. Restraining order required by Mr Baker against Ms Ratcliffe: Quite likely.

6. Johnny Cash
The Man in Black, The Outlaw, Johnny Cash never did any real, hard time, but that doesn't stop me believing him when he sang " I shot a man in Reno, just to watch him die". I am a massive, massive fan of Johnny Cash, he was such a great story teller. Even in his final years he was still on the money, his cover of Nine Inch Nails "Hurt" on American IV is one of the most heart wrenching, emotional, just down right brilliant cover versions ever. He is the epitome of I don't give- a- fuck cool. He did however give a fuck about what June Carter thought and theirs was the greatest of all great love affairs, passionate and full of turmoil but ultimately redemptive. June Carter Cash said of her husband that there were two men inside him: John the caring family man and Cash the selfish bastard. Joaquin Phoenix (who famously portrayed Johnny in the film Walk The Line) met Johnny Cash and had dinner with him and his family a few years before he died said.. "He appreciated both sides of himself, He didn't suppress either the family man or the shit-kicker, which is what made him such a fascinating character and such a complex person to portray." I could not agree more.
Datability factor (if he were youngish and alive even..) : 0/10 (I think this is best left to June Carter)
Bob Dylan and Johnny Cash having coffee together!!
Holy Crap, what i'd give to be sat at the next table...
Johnny and June.
Check out Junes 'Doo! It's like an experiment in hair physics..
7. Bob Dylan
Bob Dylan is just a genius musician and song writer. He is one of the most prolific and important social commentators of the last century. His greatest songs captured the zeitgeist of a socially and politically unstable America and yet are still as relevant today as ever. He was also quite beautiful when he was young too.
Datability factor: 10/10.
8. David Bailey
If the Rolling Stones and the Beatles provided the soundtrack to swinging London in the 60's then David Bailey created the image. The idea of 'cool' was probably conceived in America sometime during the 1940s in Hollywoods Golden Era but in Britain cool really came into it's own during the 60's. So much of what we associate with cool was defined by the image David Bailey created in his photography.
Datability factor (when he was young- too hairy now, he's starting to resemble a member of the Conservative Party): 2/10 ( too much of a tart.. He's slept with most of my 10 coolest ladies).
9. Michael Caine
Naturally blond and blue eyed Micheal Caine, with a bat of the eyelashes could spin you the most transparent of tangled lies and you'd still give him the benefit of doubt. He is perhaps the most iconic British actor ever and his career is still going strong, if Harry Brown is anything to go by. Ok so he's been in a few stinkers along the way (Jaws: The Revenge, anyone??) But we'll always love him for being a charming bastard in Alfie and Get Carter.
Datability Factor (a few years back..) 10/10 (although i'd probably live to regret it)
10. Jack Nicholson
If the Devil were to resurrect himself here on earth he could do no better than to choose Jack Nicholson as his human vessel. Who wouldn't fall under his wicked charms? He's already had a practice run in his brilliantly devilish portrayal of Daryl Van Horne in the equally fantastic Witches of Eastwick. In fact he played the part with almost frightening ease, art imitating life perhaps.. It is however the roles he played as George in Easy Rider, Randle Patrick McMurphy in One flew over the Cuckoo's nest and as Jack Torrance The Shining that really define his acting greatness.
Datability factor ( even now!?!) 10/10